کتاب آزمایشگاهی هنری دیویدسون 2022 زبان اصلیHenry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Method 24th Edition 2022

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شناسه محصول: 6906
مشخصات کتاب
  • مولف : Richard McPherson , Matthew Pincus
  • انتشارات : Elsevier
  • قطع کتاب : رحلی
  • شابک : 9780323673204
  • تعداد صفحه : 1718
  • سال چاپ : 2022
  • کیفیت چاپ : رنگی
  • نوع جلد : صحافی شده
+ اطلاعات بیشتر
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  • ارسال توسط بوک طب
قیمت اصلی 19,500,000 ریال بود.قیمت فعلی 17,550,000 ریال است.
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مختصری از کتاب آزمایشگاهی هنری دیویدسون 2022 زبان اصلیHenry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Method 24th  Edition 2022

For more than 100 years, Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods has been recognized as the premier text in clinical laboratory medicine, widely used by both clinical pathologists and laboratory technicians. Leading experts in each testing discipline clearly explain procedures and how they are used both to formulate clinical diagnoses and to plan patient medical care and long-term management. Employing a multidisciplinary approach, it provides cutting-edge coverage of automation, informatics, molecular diagnostics, proteomics, laboratory management, and quality control, emphasizing new testing methodologies throughout.

Part 1. The Clinical Laboratory

Chapter 1. General Concepts and Administrative Issues

Chapter 2. Optimizing Laboratory Workflow and Performance

Chapter 3. Preanalysis

Chapter 4. Analysis: Principles Of Instrumentation

Chapter 5. Mass Spectrometry and Applications

Chapter 6. Analysis: Clinical Laboratory Automation

Chapter 7. Point-Of-Care Testing And Physician Office Laboratories

Chapter 8. Postanalysis: Medical Decision Making

Chapter 9. Interpreting Laboratory Results

Chapter 10. Laboratory Statistics

Chapter 11. Quality Control

12. Clinical Laboratory Informatics

Chapter 13. Financial Management

Chapter 14. Ethics In Laboratory Medicine

Part 2. Clinical Chemistry

Chapter 15. Evaluation Of Renal Function, Water, Electrolytes, And Acid-Base Balance

Chapter 16. Biochemical Markers Of Bone Metabolism

Chapter 17. Carbohydrates

CHAPTER 18. Lipids And Dyslipoproteinemia

Chapter 19. Cardiac Injury, Atherosclerosis, And Thrombotic Disease

Chapter 20. Specific Proteins

Chapter 21. Clinical Enzymology

Chapter 22. Evaluation Of Liver Function

Chapter 23. Laboratory Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic

Chapter 24. Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Chapter 25. Evaluation of Endocrine Function

Chapter 26. Reproductive Function and Pregnancy

Chapter 27. Vitamins and Trace Elements

Chapter 28. Chemical Basis for Analyte Assays and Common Interferences

Part 3. Urine and Other Body Fluids

Chapter 29. Basic Examination of Urine

Chapter 30. Cerebrospinal, Synovial, Serous Body Fluids, and Alternative

Part 4. Hematology and Transfusion Medicine

Chapter 31. Basic Examination of Blood and Bone Marrow

Chapter 32. Hematopoiesis

Chapter 33. Erythrocytic Disorders

Chapter 34. Leukocytic Disorders

Chapter 35. The Flow Cytometric Evaluation of Hematopoietic Neoplasia

Chapter 36. Immunohematology

Chapter 37. Transfusion Medicine

Chapter 38. Hemapheresis

Chapter 39. Tissue Banking and Progenitor Cells

Part 5. Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Chapter 40. Coagulation And Fibrinolysis

Chapter 41. Platelet Disorders and Von Willebrand Disease

Chapter 42. Laboratory Approach to Thrombotic Risk

Chapter 43. Antithrombotic Therapy

Chapter 44. Overview of the Immune System and Immunologic Disorders

Chapter 45. Immunoassays And Immunochemistry

Chapter 46. Laboratory Evaluation of The Cellular Immune System

Chapter 47. Laboratory Evaluation Of Immunoglobulin Function And Humoral Immunity

Chapter 48. Mediators of Inflammation: Complement

Chapter 49. Mediators of Inflammation: Cytokines and Adhesion

Chapter 50. Human Leukocyte Antigen: The Major Histocompatibility Complex of Humans

Chapter 51. The Major Histocompatibility Complex And Disease

Chapter 52. Immunodeficiency Disorders

Chapter 53. Clinical and Laboratory Evaluation of Systemic Autoimmune

Chapter 54. Vasculitis

Chapter 55. Organ-Specific Autoimmune Diseases

Chapter 56. Allergic Diseases

Part 7. Medical Microbiology

Chapter 57. Medical Bacteriology

Chapter 58. In Vitro Testing of Antimicrobial Agents

Chapter 59. Mycobacteria

Chapter 60. Mycotic Diseases

Chapter 61. Spirochete Infections

Chapter 62. Chlamydial And Mycoplasmal Infections

Chapter 63. Rickettsiae and Other Related Intracellular Bacteria

Chapter 64. Viral Infections

Chapter 65. Medical Parasitology

Chapter 66. Specimen Collection and Handling for Diagnosis of Infectious

Part 8. Molecular Pathology

67. Introduction To Molecular Pathology

Chapter 68. Molecular Diagnostics: Basic Principles And Techniques

Chapter 69. Polymerase Chain Reaction And Other Nucleic Acid

71. Applications of Cytogenetics in Modern Pathology

72. Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases

Chapter 73. Molecular Genetics of Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Current

Chapter 74. Identity Testing: Use of Dna Analysis In Parentage, Forensic

Chapter 75. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine

Part 9. Clinical Pathology of Cancer

Chapter 76. Diagnosis and Management of Cancer Using Serologic and

Chapter 77. Oncoproteins And Early Tumor Detection

Chapter 78. Molecular Diagnosis of Hematopoietic Neoplasms

80. High-Throughput Genomic and Proteomic Technologies in the Postgenomic Era

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توضیحات تکمیلی

مشخصات - قطع کتاب


مشخصات - کیفیت چاپ


مشخصات - نوع جلد

صحافی شده


Richard McPherson , Matthew Pincus





تعداد صفحه


سال چاپ


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