Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry 2022 : Prosthodontic Principles Vol 1

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شناسه محصول: 4516
مشخصات کتاب
  • مولف : Beumer III, John , Faulkner, Robert F.,Shah, Kumar C. , Wu, Benjamin M
  • قطع کتاب : رحلی
  • شابک : 9780867159523
  • تعداد صفحه : 630
  • نوبت چاپ : اول
  • سال چاپ : 2022
  • کیفیت چاپ : رنگی
  • نوع جلد : صحافی شده
+ اطلاعات بیشتر
قابل تهیه
  • ارسال توسط بوک طب
قیمت اصلی 19,800,000 ریال بود.قیمت فعلی 17,820,000 ریال است.

مختصری از کتاب Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry 2022 : Prosthodontic Principles Vol 1 به تالیف Beumer III, John , Faulkner, Robert F.,Shah, Kumar C. , Wu, Benjamin M

This book has it all, and can truly be considered the definitive implant prosthodontic textbook. Like its predecessor, it functions as both a textbook for students and a dental reference for practitioners. The authors aim to provide bookteba prosthodontic perspective to the various aspects of implant treatment, from the biologic mechanisms of osseointegration to implant design and configuration, to maintenance and management of complications. Organized into four sections, the book systematically takes the reader through the foundational principles of implant dentistry, to evaluation and restoration through a variety of clinical situations, and into more specialized topics and treatment scenarios. In addition, a downloadable illustrated glossary is available for easy reference. Emerging digital technologies and materials used to design and fabricate implant prostheses are an important focus, as are implant positioning, angulation, and spacing for each situation. Designs of implant-assisted overdentures are described in detail as well asbookteb the various bone and soft tissue enhancement procedures currently in use, particularly in patients with unfavorable periodontal biotypes. The book also focuses on the importance of interdisciplinary treatment in providing safe and effective results, making it a must-have to complete any dental library.

Section I: Foundational Principles
Chapter 01. History and Biologic Foundations
Chapter 02. Osseointegration, Its Maintenance, and Recent Advances in Implant Surface Bioreactivity
Chapter 03. Implant Biomechanics, Screw Mechanics, and Occlusal Concepts for Implant Patients
Chapter 04. Contemporary Implant Materials
Chapter 05. Digital Technologies and Implant Dentistry

Section II: Restoration of Edentulous Patients
Chapter 06. Edentulous Patients: Patterns of Bone Resorption and Clinical Outcomes with Implants
Chapter 07. Restoration of Edentulous Mandibles with Overdentures
Chapter 08. Restoration of Edentulous Mandibles with Fixed Prostheses
Chapter 09. Restoration of Edentulous Maxillae with Implant-Retained Overdentures
Chapter 10. Restoration of Edentulous Maxillae with Fixed Prostheses

Section III: Restoration of Partially Edentulous Patients
Chapter 11. Restoration of the Posterior Quadrants of Partially Edentulous Patients: Basic Principles and Patient Selection
Chapter 12. Restoration of the Posterior Quadrants: Examination, Workup, and Prosthodontic Procedures
Chapter 13. Restoration of Single-Tooth Defects in the Esthetic Zone
Chapter 14. Restoration of Multiple-Tooth Defects in the Esthetic Zone

Section IV: Special Topics
Chapter 15. Implants and Removable Partial Dentures
Chapter 16. Implants for the Growing Child
Chapter 17. Implants in Irradiated Tissues, Osteoporosis Patients, and Patients Treated with Bisphosphonates
Chapter 18. Implants and Orthodontics: A Symbiotic Partnership
Chapter 19. Basic Fundamentals of Implant Surgery
Chapter 20. Follow-up, Maintenance, Complications, and Troubleshooting

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